

Enhancing the Quality of Palliative Care for Children with Cancer

In this study, we are translating knowledge about pediatric palliative care to health professionals who care for children with cancer and their families at the 16 pediatric oncology programs in Canada through a curriculum called Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Pediatrics (EPEC®-Pediatrics). Regional Teams at each of the 16 sites will be supported to work together to deliver the curriculum locally and complete quality improvement projects. We will examine the impact of our curriculum roll-out by looking for improvements in health professionals’ knowledge about pediatric palliative care; the number of health professionals who take part in our curriculum; the number of Teams that successfully reach quality improvement goals; and the quality of palliative care.

Current Status

Preparing Manuscripts



Widger, K., Wolfe, J., Friedrichsdorf, S., Pole, J. D., Brennenstuhl, S., Liben, Greenberg, M., Bouffet, E., Siden, H., Husain, A., Whitlock, J. A., Leyden, M., Rapoport, A. (accepted). National impact of the EPEC-Pediatrics train-the-trainer model for delivering education on pediatric palliative care, Journal of Palliative Medicine. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2017.0532

Widger, K., Friedrichsdorf, S., Wolfe, J., Liben, S., Bouffet, E., Greenberg, M., Husain, A., Pole, J., Siden, H., Whitlock, J., Rapoport, A. (2016). Protocol: Evaluating the impact of a nation-wide train-the-trainer educational initiative to enhance the quality of palliative care for children with cancer. BMC Palliative Care. 15(1)  doi: 10.1186/s12904-016-0085-8

Widger, K., Bouffet, E., Friedrichsdorf, S., Greenberg, M., Husain, A., Liben, S., Pole, J., Siden, H., Whitlock, J., Wolfe, J., Rapoport, A. (2015). Enhancing the quality of palliative care for children with cancer: A nationwide train-the-trainer educational initiative. Paediatrics and Child Health, 20(3): 157-158.


CPAC Project Update Info Graph_2015 Oct 30


Widger, K., Duc, J., Diep, J., Adams-Webber, T., Rapoport, A. (2014). Identifying indicators of quality palliative and end-of-life care for children with cancer. Poster presented at Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing Annual Research Day, Toronto, Ontario.


Rapoport A., & Widger, K. (June 2016). Our EPEC journey across Canada to improve palliative care for children with cancer. Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centres Webinar Series.

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Team Members

Kimberley Widger (Co-Principal Investigator) Adam Rapoport (Co-Principal Investigator) Eric Bouffet Stefan Friedrichsdorf Mark Greenberg Amna Husain Stephen Liben Jason Pole Hal Siden Jim Whitlock Joanne Wolfe

Funded by

Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (3 years, $984,264)